
US top 10 companies by market cap, Their name is included in America’s best companies, know about them-

Here are the top 10 companies which are listed on NASDAQ Stock Market and NYSE Stock Exchange as per the record available as in 2021. This list includes- 

1. Apple Inc

Apple is one of the most popular brands in all over the world. It is ranked as number1. This company provides Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop, PC, Smart Watch, Wearables and Accessories, Music products to their customers.

 2. Microsoft corporation 

Moving forward, the next company which has a huge customer base and ranked to number 2 is the Microsoft corporation of bill gates.


Its is a parent company of Google Search Engine, Technology, Investment Capital, Cloud Computing which became a necessary need of our day-to-day lifestyle and routine. 

4. Amazon

If you’re an online person who loves shopping online and even sells your products on online platforms then you must have gone through this application too. It’s a ranked-on number 4 and have a huge customer base. Amazon is the most famous and popular application. 

5. Facebook Inc 

Facebook is the most popular social media application and giving a big competition to the competitors and ranked in top 5 companies too. 

6. Tesla 

Company which ranked on number 6 is the tesla, providing Electric Automobile, Solar Panel, Energy Storage Products, Battery Cells. Its is one of prestigious company in the market.

7. Berkshire Hathaway 

This company makes Investment in Stocks, Property and Real Estate, Insurance and Utilities, Food and Restaurant, Aerospace, Automotive, Media, Toys and Sporting goods, Consumer Electronics and occupies 7th rank in the list with 646 Market Cap in Billion US Dollar. 

8. Nvidia corporation 

This company deals in Electronics and Technology, Graphics, 3D Graphics Cards and Drivers and have 557 Market Capitalization in Billion US Dollar. With the 8th rank its one of the very popular among customers. 

9. VISA Inc 

VISA stands on 9th place in the stand which deals in business technology. Its very popular and known in the market. 

10. JPMorgan chase & Co. 

This company provides Banking and Financial Services to the customers. They are giving a good competition to the competitors and standing out of them which made JPMorgan to be in top 10 list. 


Here we provided you the brief about the top 10 companies of US by the market cap. You can check out the official sites and pages of the above-mentioned companies for more detailed information about them.

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